
The YSSC is mandated to make recommendations to the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans and to Yukon First Nations on “all matters related to salmon, their habitats and management, including legislation, research, policies and programs.

Some of the initiatives that the YSSC have undertaken with regard to the regulatory process include:

  • recommending changes to the Waters Act (made to the Minister of Indian and Northern Affairs)
  • recommending changes to the Yukon Territory Fishery Regulations, in order to make the Catch Card system more effective (changes were the extension of the return date for catch cards to November 30th, and the waiving of fee for Yukon seniors);
  • reviewing and making recommendations on the proposed transfer of a domestic salmon fishing license;
  • developing and implementing a planning process for regulatory amendments;
  • provided input on the administrative re-write of the Yukon Territory Fishery Regulations